August 30, 2017
Many previous commentaries have described and discussed the various ways in which the silver market has been manipulated in the past and is being manipulated today. What has been explained in years past, but missing from recent editions, are the reasons for the serial manipulation of the silver market.
Before getting into the basis for this systemic market crime, it is necessary to briefly identify this manipulation for the sake of newer readers. The parameters could not be more obvious.
Silver is money. Legal tender silver coins are still produced in the national mints of numerous nations – and these mints often struggle to keep the market supplied. Silver is jewelry. In many parts of the world silver jewelry continues to be widely fabricated, and even at its reduced/suppressed price, silver jewelry remains present in our societies.
Nothing has changed there. But over the past century, numerous important industrial uses have also emerged for silver. It is even more valuable today. Now look at the silver/gold price ratio . For over 4,000 years; this price ratio has gravitated around 15:1, virtually identical to the supply ratio between the two metals (17:1).
Despite being more valuable than ever, in the 1980’s and 1990’s the price of silver was driven to a 600-year low in real dollars. The silver/gold price ratio was driven to extremes as great as 100:1. Total perversion of market fundamentals.
This bankrupted more than 90% of the world’s silver mines and drove the silver market into a permanent supply deficit . The silver industry has never recovered because it has never been allowed to recover.
Why has the banking crime syndicate (the One Bank) found it necessary to not merely attack the silver sector, but to practically destroy it? Knowledgeable precious metals investors can supply part of the answer here.
Because precious metals are money; silver and gold function as the monetary equivalent of canaries in the coal mine. The supply of gold and silver money is practically flat. Thus when the bankers significantly inflate the supplies of their paper currencies (which they are always doing) the price of gold and silver must rise to reflect this relative change in supply.
A numerical example will illustrate this fundamental monetary principle: the Bernanke Helicopter Drop.
Between 2009 and the end of 2013, B.S. Bernanke ultimately quintupled the supply of U.S. dollars, from a monetary base of $800 billion up to $4 trillion. Thus denominated in U.S. dollars, the price of gold and silver had to also quintuple to reflect this supply increase. That then becomes the new base price for these monetary metals .
The prices of silver and gold were never allowed to quintuple, if you discount the fact that the price of silver was torpedoed by 60% immediately before Bernanke began his money-printing binge. Since that time, the supply of U.S. dollars has never decreased.
Yet despite the fact that silver and gold were never allowed to rise as far as monetary fundamentals dictated, the price of silver has since been driven down 70% from its temporary high and the price of gold has been driven down nearly 40% from its temporary high. More total perversion of market fundamentals.
However, this is only one reason that the silver market is subjected to an even greater degree of permanent price suppression from the Big Bank crime syndicate than the gold market. As an example of this oppressive manipulation, the permanent short position in the silver market (held by just four Big Banks) is roughly 4,000% larger than the short position in the crude oil market, in proportionate terms. Totally illegal.
The reason why the banking crime syndicate has a pathological hatred (fear?) toward silver is because silver is more than money. Silver is the People’s Money .
The banking crime syndicate manipulates precious metals in general terms in order to hide its relentless, reckless inflation (and dilution) of our paper fiat currencies. But why is the One Bank constantly inflating the supply of these paper currencies in the first place?
Bernanke’s predecessor, Alan Greenspan, explained the Big Crime of the Big Banks, in a quote now familiar to regular readers.
In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to prevent the confiscation of savings through inflation.
- Alan Greenspan , 1966
When Greenspan uses the verb “confiscate”, he means “steal”. And when he uses the noun “savings”, he means our wealth. The banking crime syndicate inflates the supply of our paper currencies in order to steal our wealth.
But Greenspan’s warning is not entirely accurate. There is a way to prevent the bankers from stealing our wealth with their money-printing, even in the absence of the gold standard. Understanding this requires understanding how the theft takes place.
When the One Bank inflates the supply of our currencies, this naturally dilutes the value of all this currency, just like when a corporation prints up new shares. All the currency is worth less (worthless?), but the Big Banks don’t care – because they hand themselves trillions of units of new currency, for free.
How do we avoid this theft-by-dilution with respect to our paper currencies? We don’t allow our wealth to be stored in these ever-depreciating currencies. We store our wealth in the People’s Money (silver), where it is safe from the bankers’ game of theft-by-dilution.
As master financial criminals, the felons of the One Bank understand that this financial lifeboat exists. So what did they do? They destroyed the lifeboat.
By driving the price of silver to a 600-year low even as the world was using more silver than ever, this resulted in extremely limited recycling of all this silver. Where is the People’s Money today? Somewhere in excess of 80% of all the silver ever mined is now strewn across the world’s landfills, in tiny amounts, in billions and billions of consumer items.
This wasn’t the Crime of the Century. It is the Crime of the Millennium.
In order to begin its theft-by-dilution crime, the bankers destroyed the gold standard. One of the criminals ( Paul Volcker) bragged that he was the driving force behind this dirty deed.
In order to steal all of our wealth (over time); the Big Bank crime syndicate prints up more and more and more and more of their fraudulent paper currencies. This is why the value of these paper currencies always collapses to zero. Always – going back 1,000 years.
In order to prevent us from sheltering our wealth from their crime, the bankers have destroyed most of the world’s supply of the People’s Money. They have destroyed this supply by engineering the literal “consumption” of the world’s stockpiles of silver.
Why has the price of silver been suppressed, going back 100 years? Why has the silver market been ruthlessly attacked, to a far greater degree than even the gold market?
Both gold and silver help reveal the bankers’ monetary crime: their theft-by-dilution. In addition, however, silver helps to protect us from this monetary crime. We can do this by sheltering our wealth in this eternal metal – and using silver money for our day-to-day commerce .
This form of financial salvation was deemed to be intolerable by the One Bank. It hasn’t been able to outlaw the ownership of silver (yet), so it did something even more diabolical: it destroyed the world’s supply of silver.
Why continue to keep the price of silver suppressed to this ultra-extreme degree? To prevent the resurrection of the silver sector, and the rebirth of silver as the People’s Money.
There are still enormous amounts of silver locked away within the Earth’s crust. At a sufficient price, humanity would be able to rebuild its stockpiles of silver. The One Bank deems this to be intolerable too.
What about the regulators of this market? There are no “regulators”. The pretend-regulator of this market is the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The CFTC claimed to “probe” this obliterated sector, for five years.
What did it find? Nothing. See-no-evil; hear-no-evil; speak-no-evil. Accomplices to the crime.
While most of the world’s supply of silver is gone, the reasons for us to store our wealth in silver have never been stronger. As we do so, we expedite the date when the last ounce of silver disappears from the banksters’ crooked warehouses.
On that day, this Crime of the Millennium will finally be exposed for the world to see. More importantly, it will be the day when all artificial price-manipulation of this market is shattered. Then silver can once again become the People’s Money.
Don’t miss a golden opportunity.
Now that you’ve gained a deeper understanding about gold, it’s time to browse our selection of gold bars, coins, or exclusive Sprott Gold wafers.
About Sprott Money
Specializing in the sale of bullion, bullion storage and precious metals registered investments, there’s a reason Sprott Money is called “The Most Trusted Name in Precious Metals”.
Since 2008, our customers have trusted us to provide guidance, education, and superior customer service as we help build their holdings in precious metals—no matter the size of the portfolio. Chairman, Eric Sprott, and President, Larisa Sprott, are proud to head up one of the most well-known and reputable precious metal firms in North America. Learn more about Sprott Money.
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