Anti-Gold Puppet Now Hints Gold Will Soar - Dave Kranzler (15/9/2017)
September 15, 2017
Several representatives of the elitists have been warning about a major global financial crisis. Recently the former Head of the Monetary and Economics Department at the Bank of International Settlements, the Central Bank of Central Banks, warned that there are “more dangers now than in 2007.”
Goldman Sachs commodities analyst, Jeff Currie, who is infamous for incorrectly predicting gold would drop to $800 about three years ago, recently advised anyone listening to own physical gold: “don’t buy futures or ETFs…buy the real thing. . .the lesson learned was that if gold liquidity dries up along with the broader market, so does your hedge, unless it’s physical gold in a vault, the true hedge of last resort.”
Jeffrey Christian has spent most of his career operating as a shill for the western Central Banks and bullion banks who lead the effort to manipulate gold using fraudulent paper gold derivatives. He scoffs at the idea that gold is manipulated. It was curious, then, when he was interviewed by Kitco and was recommending that investors should hold at least 20% of their assets in gold. He also forecast a $1700 price target.
SGT Report invited me to discuss the significance of Christian’s comments, which of course included a denial of gold manipulation:
Don’t miss a golden opportunity.
Now that you’ve gained a deeper understanding about gold, it’s time to browse our selection of gold bars, coins, or exclusive Sprott Gold wafers.
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